I'm a big fan of keepin' it real.

I am a Jesus lovin' wife and momma to 4 boys based outside of Dallas, Texas. Most days you can find me in athletic clothes and a t-shirt with my hair thrown up in a pony tail homeschooling our boys.I am all about sharing the highs and lows of motherhood and everything in between! 

I want to change the mindset that mothers need to be more than "just a mom". That we must have a purpose, side gig or title outside of motherhood. So let's walk through this together by embracing the highs and lows (and the chaos!), finding joy in the mundane tasks of motherhood, and to genuinely find purpose in raising these babies the Lord has given us. 



Here we talk about:

Motherhood: Finding joy in raising babies, putting Jesus at the forefront, and sharing real life moments so you don't feel so alone.

Lifestyle: Whether it is chatting about cleaning products, the boys' favorite toys or our go-to dinner meals.., I hope you feel like I am a friend. Just chatting about things we love!

Organization: Setting up daily routines, utilizing chore charts or organizing cabinets and closets---let's make our days run a little more smooth.

Home and DIY: I am a big fan of having a beautiful home that is functional and kid friendly! Who says you have to give that up just because you have kiddos?! Not me!

            It all started in 2015 when I became a momma. I was learning how to adjust from a young married couple to a young married momma. I loved every minute of that time with our first son, but I felt like I needed to do something for me. So during nap times I would create. I would do crafts, paint, work on our home or build things. It was something I could do that set me apart from my biggest title of "mom". We then added 3 more boys to our family in a short amount of time. 4 boys in just over 5 years to be exact. Life was BUSY. I continued doing projects and even started sharing on Instagram! I started as Bo + Shep, then Life on Dunn and finally I landed on the simplicity of Hannah Kirkman Home. 

             The projects I did got bigger and more intricate. To put it bluntly, I was obsessed with building and creating a home that I loved. It fueled me. It brought me joy, It felt like my purpose .But I could not for the life of me figure out a good balance--a balance between my family and creating/sharing on social media. I was prioritizing my desires over my God-given ministry. I was irritable all the time. I was unavailable emotionally. I was distanced. I was more concerned with creating and sharing my projects than I was about caring for and investing in my family. I cringe just typing that for the whole world to read. 

               In the summer of 2022 I was burnt out. I was frustrated with myself for then things that I had made a priority in my life. I was rocked to my core on how fast my kiddos were growing and I felt like I missed out on so many moments because of my distractions and desire to become something other than "just a mom". The Lord so sweetly reminded me during this time that He gave me my husband and my 4 precious boys. He has been working on my heart to reveal my purpose...and right now it is to simply be mom. 

               Do I miss the constant creating and building? You bet I do. Do I think I will ever jump back in one day? Possibly. Will I completely stop creating? Nope. I'll still be working on things just at a different scale. Do I think this is the right decision? Absolutely. 
                So momma,  if you are struggling to prioritize your family over your wants and desires, it is okay to take a step back. If you feel like you need to be more than "just a mom" please remember that the Lord has given you this family for a reason. There is so much eternal purpose in the sometimes mundane moments of motherhood. But I hope my story can bring you encouragement that it is okay to simply be mom.

I am so glad you are here.



The Kirkmans

My biggest supporter, encourager, and the one who chooses to put up with my shenanigans. 

The 4 little boys who bring me so much joy. It is an honor to be their momma.

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Hey, momma!

Thank you!
I am so excited you are here.